
Create an account

Create an account

Create an account


New on Policy Kitchen? Set up your account in less than 5 minutes!

Sign up
Click on “Sign up” on the bar at the top of your screen. You will be redirected to the sign up page.


Sign up with Social Accounts
You can sign up with your LinkedIn account. To do so, click on the LinkedIn banner and enter the email address and the password you used for LinkedIn.


Sign up with Email
Alternatively, you can sign up with your personal email. To do so, fill out the required fields. To finish your registration, click on “Create new account”. 

Confirm your email address
Once you’ve created your account, an email will be sent to your respective email address. Open the email and click on the link to confirm your account. You will be redirected to the Policy Kitchen page.


Set your password
After clicking on the link, you will be asked to set your password. Click on “Log in” to start the process.


Enter and confirm your password. The strength of your password can be seen on the right side. We encourage you to choose a strong password. Recommendations to make your password stronger can be found just under the “confirm password” box.


Configure account settings and save changes
After setting your password, you can configure your account settings. To do so, just scroll down on the same tab. Specifically, you can change the settings for

  • Email notifications;
  • Push notifications;
  • Social login connections;
  • Privacy settings;
  • Locale settings.

Once you've adjusted the settings to your needs, click on “save” to finish the process.


Welcome to Policy Kitchen!
Congrats, you’ve successfully created a Policy Kitchen account! Now you can take part in the challenges or join the different groups on Policy Kitchen, where you can share and discuss your thoughts and ideas on pressing foreign policy issues.