As there is often a lack of awareness, climate education is crucial for tackling climate change.

There is lack of awareness in many societies about the seriousness of climate change (e.g. in Iran, ministries are not doing their job, people are not concerned). At the same time, when there is awareness (on the basic level, e.g. trash in the wrong places), it's not clear how to transform it into action. Thus, government engagement on climate policy is needed. Of course civil society is important too. Both government and civil society can engage in projets and programs (run jointly on climate education) - bringing them to schools - making them part of the school curricula. On the international level, calls for obligatory climate education throughout the globe are imperative.  - Basic need - reaching out to the youth who will actually bear the consequences of climate change.

Furthermore, There is a need to reach out to those parts of population who are not enrolled in any education now. Business can be part of it. In this vein, Individuals and companies should be given an opportunity to contribute part of their annual taxes (e.g. up to 2%) to climate change projects or organizations.

A further approach to foster climate education could be the introduction of specific degree programs on climate education targeted mainly at women. As climate specials will be increasingly needed due to the current climate issues, this could help specifically women to acquire expert knowledge and become financially independent.