To facilitate access to culture regardless of social and economical background, allow a cultural flatrate for young people.

# this idea was formulated during the workshop "for a Cultural Governance in Europe" on the 13th od March.


This flatrate is a sum of money young people could spend on local cultural activities and productions.

The flatrate could be in form of coupons, digital account etc. and give access to local artistic and cultural productions. Digital productions would of course be included. VOD, Online music, etc.

The younger children have access to this flatrate, the more likely they are to be influenced by those activities.

But individuals should have the opportunity to choose freely what activity or production they'd like to have access to and be autonomous to get there: teenagers are probably the best audience for those measures.



1. What is a cultural production?

2.How to accompany those teenagers to "get out of the bubble" of the cultural productions they already know?