Creation of a new regulatory body that will act as a global coordinator supported by a blockchain based reporting system to be new trusted body for global sustainability data.

!!You are now living in 2040!! Write the story like if you were living in 2040!!

  • Explain briefly what’s the success story!
Being able for everyone to have access to the sustainable data (companies, investors, policy-makers)
Sustainability/ESG score on all product labels, similar to food labels. 


Access to data facilitates investments along values of investors -> directing investments flows towards reaching of set goals/targets. Greenwashing gets increasingly difficult (investors, private persons are informed). 
Data is credible (validated)  and easily accessible or any one. Do we need a governing body? Can we rely on decentralized technologies / blockchain?
There is a common taxonomy adopted globally. 


  • What’s the current context (in 2040), how does the world look like, what actors are involved.

In 2040, taxonomy is in place. Consumer/customer have access to credible/transparent information and are able to act accordingly. Information are easily accessible equally. A regulatory entity is set in place and uses blockchain to stream credible/transparent information, adapting and updating it with evolving taxonomy. Blockchain gives the possibility to a bottom-up approach without discrimination.

  • Explain briefly how Sustainable Fintech bridges have helped to address systemic challenges and risk associated with Fintech and Sustainability.  Tell the readers what has happened in the last 20 years to reach this point. You can use an incremental chronology of 5 years at a time starting in 2021.

Improved access to sustainability data through global database, thereby addressing the risk of a data monopoly,  excluding developing countries. Database based on blockchain technology but standards set by multilateral regulatory body (UN?). 


  • What recommendations would you like to give the Sustainable Fintech Community in 2021 to success?

Developing a guideline to help companies develop disclosure policies and taxonomies. Offering help from experts, alternatively creating a bureau.

Protocol for blockchain to be able to trace sustainability over the entire value chain.