Looking at the role of narratives, values and hope in overcoming uncertantity and despair on a global scale.
There is a need to move beyond tight identity politics and strengthen the notions of hope, possibility and respect for each other.  


This implies a need for understanding the current uncertain period in terms of hope and despair on a global scale. Here, increased diversity in engagement with key issues is crucial for coming up with a narrative of hope that they can collectively support. A suggestion would be religion as offering a framework for understanding the world, despite the diversity of religious avenues available. 

Another important point of reflection looks at how humans have coped with uncertainty throughout the centuries. Here, the role of technology and technological should be emphasized as a way of linking Western and non-Western ways of thinking, as well as being combined with a sense of hope that has helped humanity, nations and civilizations move past uncertain or crises periods. 


Furthermore, in becoming comfortable with uncertainty, probability and possibility, emotion (feelings and intuition) can play a role and influence questions of how to ensure the UK becomes more participative. These can be translated into a national narrative that can underline/act as a guiding project for a hopeful community. 

In terms of threats and opportunities, it would be crucial to seize this moment of uncertainty to give people a stake in writing (or rewriting) the guiding project that is geared towards hope and based on technology. This runs the risk of being unable to decide how the state can be involved and how many people need to get behind a certain narrative to accrue legitimacy. 

As a way out of this conflict, rethinking political parties can help by bringing them closer to the reality of society, its beliefs, and commitments. Lastly, 25 years is a significant amount of time for a paradigm and framework change in values that can bring into question the relevance of current categories such as the UK therefore expanding the realm of opportunities.