*Facilitated by Stella*

4 mega trends affecting Vytautas migration story

Mega trend 1: Continuing urbanization

positive impacts;

-He wish to move in Thailand (Asia) and of course much of growth in the urban population is expected to take place in Asia

-Vytautas will get variety experience as the population share is expected to reach 60%.  

negative impacts:

-By coincidence vytautas should be a jobless  due to the number of population lives in cities.

-He will not migrate as the cities are increasingly functioning as autonomous entities.

-No financial statement allow him to move abroad.

This mega trend will hinder Vytautas to migrate.


Megatrend 2: Growing nationalism

positive impacts:

-High impact of moving abroad as the actors will influence existing governance 

structures of social movement.

-Vytautas will move abroad due to growing of non state actors.

-The world will becomes her buffet due to internationalization of decision making.

negative impacts:

-As a governing systems are multiplying and diversifying should hinder him to move'

-By coincidence it should be unstable due to lack of state actors.

This mega trend will motivate Vytautas to migrate multiple times.


Megatrend 3: Growing consumerism

positive impacts:

-It will be a jo availability as the consumer will be high than a demand (Vytautas will 

get job) that will help him to get Air ticket.


negative impacts:


This mega trend will motivate Vytautas to migrate multiple times.


Megatrend 4: Expanding influence of East and South

positive impacts:

-Vytautas will move freely in France, German and in Italy as he is a European union 


-Vytautas will migrate in East and South as the western and japan emerging will be continuing.

negative impacts:


This mega trend will motivate  Vytautas to migrate multiple times.


Link to Mural Board (Persona & Drivers Matrix): https://bit.ly/3bWZCxa

Link to Mega Trends: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1JDCEOMYi0_Lr4vpfRMLHQzSzzLLMQi_2/view
