Personalized data can be misused to deny social benefits to those who have good genes. Because if they develop illnesses it is due to their bad life-style-choices; not to their generic predisposition.
  1. How is personally generated health data used in the vision? 
    1. It is used by disability insurances to assess the eligibility of individuals whether they receive certain social benefits or not --> Those who have bad genes receive more social benefits than those who have good genes or rather: Those who have good genes but get ill will be denied social benefits, because those who have good genes and then get ill, the probability that the illness was self induced is higher. 
  2. What are the consequences?
    1. Discrimination 
    2. Sentiment of injustice
    3. Might send the wrong incentive: individuals with bad genes have no incentive on improving their health because they enjoy receiving the social benefits.
    4. Social differentiation between people with good and bad genes.
  3. Which were the key enablers / obstacles to overcome (e.g. political, ethical, legislative, financial, technical, ...)?
    1. Individual lawsuits of IV recipients who no longer receive benefits due to their genetic predispositions
    2. On the legislative level one could prohibit the use of personalized data for discrimination.