On 27 November 2018, foraus and swissnex launched the first workshop in its series on Switzerland's position on AI in Zurich.

Artificial intelligence (AI) is progressing rapidly and has sparked considerable policy debates in the past decades. This prompted swissnex in cooperation with foraus to take on the question of a national AI strategy in Switzerland. 

The event was opened with introductory remarks from the organisers Jonas Nakonz (foraus) and Malin Borg (swissnex Switzerland) and followed by an input on Switzerland's developments on AI policies by keynote speaker Daniel Egloff from SERI




The mix of participants ranged from representatives of the business sector, academia and relevant stakeholder instutions such as ITU and Microsoft to generally interested individuals and students. Together, we had an open dialogue on Switzerland's position to AI and what elements in regards to AI require a special focus. The discussion covered topics such as society, governance and economy/science. You can find all the ideas and discussion points here. 

The event was a full success and we wish all participants at our next workshop on 30 December in San Francisco fruitful discussions. 

How would you make Switzerland fit for the opportunities and challenges of AI? What elements should a Swiss AI strategy contain? 

Be part of the discussion and share your ideas and comments with us!