How to improve biodiversity based on partnerships among conservation areas.

Conservation areas remain critical for biodiversity conservation. They need to be participatory, involving local population. They also need to be integrated in wider national territories and connected among themselves. They may bring together different uses (core protection areas, areas for eco-tourism, sustainable agriculture, sustainable use of natural resources).

Conservation areas in different places/countries may share interests and support each other. Until now - to our knowledge - there are no formal partnerships between conservation areas of different countries. Such partnerships could be highly valuable and take different forms:

-"peace parks" - transboundary conservation areas

-"twinning" of areas including on different continents

Twinned conservation areas can enable sharing knowledge, experiences and/or resources between the management teams of the conservation areas involved. Broader links could also be established - e.g. trade of sustainable products from the conservation areas, care for migratory species, sustainable tourism...