Accountability/Responsability of private sector in feminist foreign policy (SDG)

Problem: Investment treaties are biased -> favouring the private sector. States cannot sue the private sector for violating human rights 

Solution: => Home State should be able to control MNC (Multinational corporation). -> Home State needs to design the Investment Agreements and include standards
=> Treaties should include legal bases that hold MNCs responsible 
=> home countries should make available the possibility for treaty partners to sue MNCs coming from the home State

Problem: (Switzerland too?) subsidies and support (tax leverages) for Swiss MNC for foreign direct investment

Solution: => the State subsidies and support should be linked to the respect of human rights and standards elaborated by the home country -> design into the support packages the upholding of standards set by the FFP

standards should include:
1. marginalized communities should get a voice -> in order to achieve the SDGs (private sector investment is really important in the implementation of the SDG)
     -> women are mostly affected by non-complying MNCs

-> that trade and investment is not just about business, but as well about human security, environmental protection, working conditions etc.