Gender-specific data collection is the first important step

Filling gender data gaps on energy consumption, access, use of renewable energy and gendered effects of different forms of energy
- Gender check of German companies and the "EEG" --> policy instruments are usually perceived as "gender neutral" when in fact they are very much gendered
- Gendered access to renewable energy in Global North and South
- Gender mainstreaming and intersectional analysis of high ranking decision-making processes in the German energy industry
- Investment, subsidies, gender budgeting etc.
- Broaden and shift focus of energy climate change policies that predominately focus on vulnerability of (rural) women in the Global South
- Masculinities and energy consumption
- The lack of gender data also gives us the opportunity to take other social and political identities into account (intersectional feminist approach)
-the potentially different influence of energy poverty in the Global North
-difference of the kind of electricity used at home between male and female-led households in the Global North