Policy Kitchen took over Geneva! 


On 2nd October 2018, Policy Kitchen organised a Policy Cooking Day at Grenus Voisins. We have had the pleasure to welcome amazing individuals who are passionate about biodiversity conservation. 

The Policy Cooking Day was kicked off with an informative input on biodiversity and why it matters from Augustin Fragnière (Senior Policy Fellow Environment, foraus). We formed three groups with each one of them being supported by an expert: Dr. Florence Bétrisey from the University of Lausanne supported the development group, Frederic Perron-Welch from the Centre of Sustainable Development Law joined the global governance group and Benjamin Simmons from the Green Growth Platform was part of the trade group. 

Together we identified the most pressing problems in the field before we started developing ideas on how solve them. All ideas have been uploaded on the platform - so make sure you check them out! 

You couldn't be part of this Policy Cooking Day? No worries! 

Head over to the active challenges and discuss all shared ideas or create your own! 



Policy Cooking Day Geneva
Policy Cooking Day Geneva